Item 25: Rezoning 40 Acres Located at Rattler Road & East McCarty Lane

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Staff member
Receive a staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2022-57, amending the Official Zoning Map of the City in Case No. ZC-22-29, by rezoning approximately 40.74 acres of land located approximately 750 feet northwest of the Rattler Road and East McCarty Lane intersection from “FD” Future Development District to “CD-5” Character District-5, or, subject to consent of the owner, another less intense zoning district classification; including procedural provisions; and providing an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2022-57, on the first of two readings.


Council Member
When would we likely see the additional roads built around this area? I've heard concerns about the flow of traffic and think this extra density with the LI across the way may exacerbate it.


CoSM Members
I noticed on the Infrastructure slide of the presentation, the dashed green line (proposed Blvd) doesn't extend through the property.
Should it?


Staff member
Response provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:

Council Member Baker: When would we likely see the additional roads built around this area? I've heard concerns about the flow of traffic and think this extra density with the LI across the way may exacerbate it.
Roads are typically constructed as development occurs, and the developers are responsible for the construction. As the vacant land in the area develops it will be subject to the City’s standards for block perimeter and the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) which will determine the location of future roads. New developments will also have to connect to existing stub streets, Wassar Blvd and Windsor Blvd are good examples of roads that will be extended in this area (see Aerial map).

Mayor Hughson: I noticed on the Infrastructure slide of the presentation, the dashed green line (proposed Blvd) doesn't extend through the property.
The green dashed line should be removed from the TMP map, staff will get this updated. The road was removed in the 2021 TMP amendments. Attached is the slide indicating the changes in this area (dashed lines were approved to be removed).


  • TMP-21-01 Presentation (McCarty Area).pdf
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