Consider approval of Resolution 2021-88R, approving a Chapter 380 Economic
Development Incentive Agreement with 320 Barnes 2020, L.P., a Texas Limited
Partnership, providing incentives in the form of refunds of a percentage of real property
taxes over three years for the development of approximately 135,000 square feet of space
for lease to light manufacturing, office, warehouse, showroom, and research &
development users at 320 Barnes Drive; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to
execute said agreement; and declaring an effective date.
Development Incentive Agreement with 320 Barnes 2020, L.P., a Texas Limited
Partnership, providing incentives in the form of refunds of a percentage of real property
taxes over three years for the development of approximately 135,000 square feet of space
for lease to light manufacturing, office, warehouse, showroom, and research &
development users at 320 Barnes Drive; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to
execute said agreement; and declaring an effective date.