Item 30: Meet & Confer - SMPD

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2022-203R, approving a Meet and Confer agreement between the San Marcos Police Officers’ Association and the City of San Marcos and declaring an effective date


  • Item 30 Meet and Confer Agreement.pdf
    243.6 KB · Views: 1,581


CoSM Members
Document shows "Anna Miranda, Director of Finance" omitting "interim"

Under "Promotions" third bullet, what is "Agency 360?"

Appears that not all changes are marked in the track changes version of the document. Example - page 10 of the agreement doesn't show the change in pay differential for evening or midnight shift as a change.
There is red text for "Effective October 1, 223 (Year 2)" but missing for other changes as noted above.
ARTICLE 5 WAGES AND COMPENSATION "Section 9. Acting Pay for Corporal’s" - should not have an apostrophe.
Section 2. Police Chief Appointments Assistant Chief’s - should not have an apostrophe.


Staff member
Document shows "Anna Miranda, Director of Finance" omitting "interim"

Under "Promotions" third bullet, what is "Agency 360?"

Appears that not all changes are marked in the track changes version of the document. Example - page 10 of the agreement doesn't show the change in pay differential for evening or midnight shift as a change.
There is red text for "Effective October 1, 223 (Year 2)" but missing for other changes as noted above.
ARTICLE 5 WAGES AND COMPENSATION "Section 9. Acting Pay for Corporal’s" - should not have an apostrophe.
Section 2. Police Chief Appointments Assistant Chief’s - should not have an apostrophe.
Responses provided by Chase Stapp, Director of Public Safety & Linda Spacek, Director of Human Resources:
Agency 360 is a software application in use by the Police Department for tracking employee commendations, complaints and evaluations.
You are correct that these two items are not reflected in the markup. The markup is used primarily by the bargaining teams and the POA does not share with their membership.
We typically don’t make changes after ratification, however, these are not substantive changes. We will get a corrected copy to Liz for signature.
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