Item 33: Construction Contract for Fire Training Facility

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2022-147R, awarding a construction contract to Tegrity Contractors, Inc. for construction of the new Fire Training Facility authorized by City of San Marcos voters during the 2017 Bond Election in the amount of $2,777,777.00; authorizing the City Manager or her designee to execute the contract on behalf of the City; and declaring an effective date.


CoSM Members
Please provide more info on the source of funds. I don't know what the account numbers are.
I'm looking to see how much of the funding is the 2017-bond and how much from other accounts and what those accounts are.
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $2,777,777.00
Account Number: G543-GENERAL-CONST = 50036067.70200-$1,330,746.78,
Reimbursement Resolution GL TBD-$1,058,746.72


Staff member
Response provided by Chase Stapp, Director of Public Safety, and Anna Miranda, Interim Finance Director:
$2 million in funding for the project was authorized by the 2017 bond election. $281K of that has already been spent or encumbered on design and project management. This leaves $1.7M for construction. Since the winning bid came in at a little more than $2.7 million, we had to assign funding to this project from future debt obligations (by reimbursement resolution). That $1.05 million will be included in FY23 CIP and is expected to be finalized by Council in September.
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