This approval process happened SO quickly and only includes projects submitted by our city offices or commissions/committees/boards as far as I can tell. I think the real need right now should be focused on helping our citizens who have been pushed to the margins remain in their homes, as a majority of our citizens are at the poverty level or below. I know that we need to increase services to our small business' that are on the verge of collapse ASAP, but perhaps other issues, such as tourism, are not in line with the immediate needs of our community and could be funded when we receive our 2nd round of funding.
Could staff provide information about the possibility of including funding for programs to help keep our citizens stay housed, and support an increase in assistance for our ever increasing newly "unhoused" citizens due to the moratorium on evictions being lifted? There are at least three non profits I can think of off the top of my head who have transitional housing programs that need assistance now more than ever. I know Covid has caused emergency needs in all areas of community, but not all can be addressed in this first allotment of funding.