Reponses provided by Shannon Mattingly, Director of Planning:
Mayor Hughson:
Please, for any and all information items, forever more, for any funding source, where there is a REQUESTED amount and RECOMMENDED amount, provide both items of information in the SAME spreadsheet so we don't have to go back and forth for every item to track it.
Please provide the list of requested amounts here in a spreadsheet so I can make my own.
Please see attached excel spreadsheet.
And totals. Item 40, in the ARF, lists the leftover amounts from PY2014 for each year. I see the total later in the PPT. Helpful to see a total under the individual amounts. No need to change anything now or mention in presentation. Just please give us totals when there are individual amounts and it makes sense to total them in the future. Not just for CDBG, anything. THANKS.
CM Derrick:
In reference to Together for a Cause – Transitional Housing it says -*Initial application was ineligible; committee discussed the program and organization; final application submitted after scoring completed. Was the late application the reason they didn’t qualify for this pot of funding? I would assume they attempted to address the gaps in their application for General Funds (that was denied) before they submitted an application for CDBG funding. This is a program that had been run under the Salvation Army for a year that was very successful. It was just shifted to be administered by Together for a Cause, a MUCH smaller non-profit that doesn’t likely have a grant writer/application specialist to assist them in addressing all the concerns. The program works.
Both applications from Together for a Cause were submitted by Roland Saucedo through a professional grant writer. Neither contained enough information on the program or financial separation of duties to be considered a good candidate for CDBG funding. The first application showed CDBG paying for a portion of the program (hotel stays) that is ineligible for CDBG funding; I contacted Mr. Saucedo to ask if he wanted to re-submit with the funding switched, requesting CDBG funding for eligible items and using other funding for the hotel stays. Council will be receiving an email with recommendations on possible paths forward for Together for A Cause separately – please see the details contained there. Much more specificity is needed for the program and financial procedures before grant funding is recommended.