Mayor Hughson's Proposed Amendments To Lobbying Ordinance


Staff member
The attached documents, prepared by Mayor Hughson, will be reviewed and discussed in a public meeting of the San Marcos Ethics Review Commission on January 20, 2022. My understanding is that Mayor Hughson intends to offer these amendments to the draft of the lobbying ordinance when it is considered on second reading at a council meeting in February.

Council also discussed having Mayor Hughson’s proposed amendments posted on the Message Board -- perhaps as a stand alone topic – well in advance of posting the agenda for the meeting at which the ordinance will be considered on second reading.

Also attached is a copy of the ERC’s Agenda packet (PDF document) for their January 20th meeting just for your information.


  • Lobbying Ordinance summary of amendments.doc
    121 KB · Views: 316
  • Lobbying Ordinance - JH amends with COUNCIL ONLY Second Reading on July 6 to Nov 3 2021.docx
    70.2 KB · Views: 310
  • ERC Special Meeting Packet - Jan 20 2022.pdf
    539.5 KB · Views: 281


Staff member
The Ethics Review Commission met on January 20, 2022 and discussed the lobbying ordinance. Attached is a copy of the ERC’s recommendations/votes on each of the amendments proposed by Mayor Hughson for consideration on second reading of the lobbying ordinance. The commission discussed each proposed amendment and either recommended approval (with a “yes” vote) denial (with a “no” vote) or – in some cases -- suggested alternative or additional ordinance language.


  • Lobbying Ordinance summary of amendments - ERC Votes on January 20 2022.doc
    57 KB · Views: 327


Staff member
Per Mayor Hughson: The ERC reviewed my list and accepted most of my lobbying amendments that I plan to propose. They suggested a few more changes and I accepted most of those. Those amendments NOW that differ from what I proposed earlier are highlighted in light blue.

I also attach TWO versions of the ordinance with the amendments I plan to offer. The difference is amendment ONE - make this apply to City Council ONLY (this is Lobbying Ordinance - JH amends for Feb 15 2022). There are so many places showing the change that if this amendment fails, it will just complicate what is on the screen share so I provide a version WITHOUT amendment one, but all other amendments I plan to propose (this is Lobbying Ordinance - JH amends for Feb 15 2022 without amendment 1).


  • Lobbying Ordinance - JH amends for Feb 15 2022.docx
    70.7 KB · Views: 282
  • Lobbying Ordinance - JH amends for Feb 15 2022 without amendment 1.docx
    66.5 KB · Views: 251