Work Session Item 2: HSAB Board Policy and Process

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Staff member
Receive a staff presentation and hold discussion on policy and process recommendations for the Human Services Advisory Board and provide direction to the City Manager.


CoSM Members
Please provide more on the process of actual funding and reporting.
Do the applicants receive the full amount funds shortly after council approval?
Or, is the funding provided throughout the year?
How often, quarterly? Something different?
What about reporting:
How often is a report required?
Only at the end?

If an applicant hasn't turned in an interim report and funding is not provided all at once, do we continue to provide funding?
Do ask for a final report?
Is any of the funding held back to ensure a final report is submitted?


Staff member
Response provided by Amanda Hernandez, Interim Director of Planning and Development Services:

Please provide more on the process of actual funding and reporting.
Do the applicants receive the full amount funds shortly after council approval?
Or, is the funding provided throughout the year?
How often, quarterly? Something different?
What about reporting:
How often is a report required?
Only at the end?
FY 2022 was the first year the Planning Department created the contracts for the agencies awarded Human Services Grant funding. Prior to this year all agencies received funding up front, divided into quarters, and they did not have to submit documentation of expenses. In FY 2022, this was narrowed to three programs who said they would not be able to perform their programs without receiving funding up front: Nosotros La Gente, First Baptist NBC, and MELJ. Nosotros La Gente requested one payment of all funding ($10,000) and the other two submitted requests quarterly for a portion of their funding.

Programs awarded $20,000 or less were asked to provide one request for payment with reimbursement documentation, and one progress report at time of request for reimbursement.

Programs awarded more than $20,000 were asked to provide requests for payment at least quarterly, with reimbursement documentation. They were asked to provide quarterly progress reports as well, until all funds were expended. A few requested deviations from these process requirements, and customizations were made to their contract. See attached table listing the terms for each agency.

In order to assist with the transition from up front funding to reimbursement funding, 16 programs were provided one up front payment of 20%, with the expectation that they would provide documentation for the expenses after the fact.

If an applicant hasn't turned in an interim report and funding is not provided all at once, do we continue to provide funding?
Do ask for a final report?
Programs awarded $20,000 or less were asked to provide one progress report at the time they asked for their one-time reimbursement. Payment will not be made unless the progress report is submitted.

Programs awarded more than $20,000 were asked to provide quarterly progress reports until all funds were expended. Payment will not be made unless the progress report is submitted. One exception has been identified – MELJ was paid a quarterly payment without their 3rd quarter progress report, because of a judgment call made by staff at the time.

Is any of the funding held back to ensure a final report is submitted?
No specific “final report” is requested since reports are submitted as payments are requested.


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