Response to Mayor Hughson, provided by Pete Binion, Transit Manager:
Is Rideco out of Los Angels (ARF) or Canada (RFP document)? Ride Co. is headquartered in Canada and has an office in Los Angeles, as well as, satellite offices in San Antonio and Houston.
From the Rideco document, page 3. "Based on our assessment of the service zone provided in Addendum 1, we are confident that our software can serve up to 160 passengers using just two 5-passenger electric vans per 12-hour service day. "
Is that 160 people per DAY? The city provided a TIRZ #5 geographic area map to all respondents in an addendum to the RFP. Based on this geographic area, Ride Co. is estimating they may serve 160 clients per day.
Only 4-7 per vehicle HOUR? The daily average passengers per hour may be four to seven. The pilot may see increases and decreases in demand based on time of day, day of week, season of year and Texas State University academic calendar.
What are the 12 hour service day hours? The hours of operation are not established yet. City staff including Public Works, Main Street and Police will work with the Parking Advisory Board to establish the appropriate service hours and days of service. Initial service hours may be amended based on pilot results.
Where is the covered parking? Ride Co. will secure a facility with covered parking per the requirements of the RFP.
Is the City providing that? No.
What logos will be on the city branded vehicle wrap? The City seal will be part of the vehicle wrap and the other wrap details are under consideration by Public Works, Main Street and Communications staff.
Does one have to book a trip or can they wave down the vehicle which should have a set route? Passengers can hail a ride at designated locations within the service area. The Parking Advisory Board and staff will work together to establish these locations collaboratively.
Part of this vehicle's purpose is taking employees to their cars after bars close. Who is answering the phone at that time? There will be a customer service number and representatives available during all operating hours. Also, there will be an option in the Ride Co. “app” to request a call from the assigned driver for the service pickup.
Problem here on page 3. "A detailed walkthrough of our Passenger Mobile Application is in Error! Reference source not found.." All broken links are being assessed and we hope to provide updated links here shortly.
Still on page 3 "We will tune the platform so that trip times will be honored within 30 minutes of the requested pickup time." That seems like a long time. The 30 minute window provides a worst case scenario, and most pick-up times should be significantly shorter. Staff will monitor this metric in the pilot.
This is a problem. "Before booking a trip with the service, passengers will need to create an account." How long does that take? Hoping it's a quick name/phone on the app. I can see the value in doing this, reporting, being able to see when the vehicle is coming, etc. but if someone is standing on the curb and needs a ride, Rideco needs to pick them up. Setting up the passenger account should take no more than a few minutes. The client provides email address, phone number and a password to activate an account. Passengers may also hail a ride at designated locations within the service area.
For the items in the their document that shows something "can" be done, will it?
Who is responsible for seeing to that? City staff will monitor performance per the approved contract and coordinate with the Parking Advisory Board for feedback.
How long have these folks been in business? Ride Co. has been in business since 2014.
If everything is by an app, that's software and we all know software has bugs, especially in version 1 and there is time and effort and bad experiences that will eventually lead to better service. Seems like they acknowledge this on page 5 "Our Project Manager will be available by phone, email, and over a dedicated Slack channel; they will immediately rectify any issue until the system is fully functional." And WHO is available once they consider the system fully functional? Ride Co.
AND shouldn't WE determine when it's fully functional? Yes, staff will monitor and assess implementation.
Page 6. They have "we will work closely with the City of San Marcos to understand the definition of success and will work to ensure the service exceeds all target metrics" Where is OUR definition of success and metrics? City staff will work with the Parking Advisory Board to establish Key Performance Indicators for system performance for this pilot.
Page 6, another "Error! Reference source not found." Staff is working to provide the full PDF.
Page 6. Where does Rebecca live? San Marcos, nearby, or out-of-state? The RFP did not request personal residential information and was not part of the selection criteria.
Again "...Rebecca’s resume can be found in Error! Reference source not found." Staff is working to the full PDF.
Page 8. Again. "Detailed screenshots of our dashboards are included in Error! Reference source not found.." Staff is working to provide the full PDF.
All this automated scheduling seems like a lot for just 4-7 per vehicle per hour!
Who will have access to their dashboards? City pilot project staff.
Page 9 Again. "As seen in the screenshots in Error! Reference source not found., the RideCo API allows system administrators to view a display screen with a live map..." Staff is working to provide full PDF.
What reporting do we plan to do? City staff will request a monthly report from Ride Co. to be made available to the Parking Advisory Board for their review and feedback. Staff will report to Council as directed by memo or other request. Pilot assessment will be provided to Council for consideration of long term parking management strategy prior to full expenditure of funding.
What services do they provide for VIA in San Antonio? (If we know) Ride Co. provides on-demand shared ride transit service in North East San Antonio.
This is not exactly what council or the parking advisory board discussed/requested...we were looking at something like a bus service. This is more like a ride-share. They are different. The Parking Advisory Board formulated the deliverables over several meetings and the final deliverables were incorporated directly into the RFP. The RFP was a public solicitation process, published in numerous outlets, and on the city’s website and “E-Procurement”.